Dal 1993 condividiamo con i nostri clienti la rostra passione per i MULTISCAFI: dopo aver vinto la regatta GIRAGLIA con un trimarano di serie CORSAIR 31 abbiamo iniziato ad introdurre nel Mediterraneano robusti e leggeri VERI MULTISCAFI, in grado di navigare in sicurezza a nel massimo confort.
La struttura di un catamarano deve resistere tremende sollecitazioni durante navigazioni con maltempo:
- compressione dell'albero
- torsione degil scafi
- trazione delle lande
E' essenziale che questi sforzi siano bilanciati da una struttura estremamente forte.
Abbiamo scelto di rappresentare i MULTISCAFI che soddisfano questi requisiti.
Since 1993 we have shared our passion for MULTIHULLS with our customers: after winning the GIRAGLIA regatta with a CORSAIR 31 standard trimaran, we began to introduce robust and light TRUE MULTIHULLS into the Mediterranean, able to navigate safely and in maximum comfort.
The structure of a catamaran must withstand tremendous stress during navigation in bad weather:
- shaft compression
- torsion of the hulls
- heath traction
It is essential that these efforts are balanced by an extremely strong structure.
We have chosen to represent MULTIHULLS that meet these requirements.
From time to time, we add other products or projects that satisfy our sense of aesthetics and sailing fun:
- as fast as the wind
- only 0.50
-1.50m. of draft
- safety due to unsinkability
- high comfort (reduced pitch)
- maintenance of their commercial value over time.
We are proud to be able to offer the best and most performing MULTIHULLS in the world between 33' and 130' feet and to be able to help you, with our free consultancy and according to your navigation program, to define the size, the layout, the model , financing, accessories etc. of your ideal boat.
We have received numerous thank you testimonials for our assistance especially from European customers, but also from Arab and Asian countries!
We thank you for your interest in our products: you will find direct connections with the manufacturers we represent in the Mediterranean.
Do not hesitate to contact us also to receive the most updated list of MULTIHULLS and traditional sailing boats and motor yachts.
Doctor Vanni GORI